At Geneva, we want you to thrive in every aspect of life, especially in the discipline of learning. Our support services promote academic strength in your lifelong journey of discovery. Students here enjoy an environment where learning is a shared and encouraging experience. You were made to learn and live courageously, and we are here to help you discern God's purpose and calling in your life's work.
McCartney Library serves the Geneva College community by providing information and research assistance to students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. Its resources and collections include over 400,000 items, plus a growing array of electronic databases and books accessible 24/7 online. Librarians provide research help to navigate these sources by individual guidance and group instruction.
Go To LibraryThe Student Success Center provides open access to academic counseling and coaching, extensive peer-tutoring opportunities, and appropriate support for students that prepare you for a life of purposeful learning.
Student Success Center Objectives:
The Student Success Center located on the second floor of the Student Center, in Skye Lounge.
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
To schedule an appointment outside these hours, please email, call 724.847.5005, or stop by our office in the Student Center.
Coaching Drop-In Hours (No appointment needed):
Monday - Thursday: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Summer hours are modified. Please call for an appointment.
Matt Chubb, The Director of the Student Success Center is a member of the following associations and consortiums:
Not a day goes by where I don’t see the positive effects that my education here has had on me. The integration of faith in learning has taught me how my Christian worldview can be positively lived out in the workplace and everyday life.